STRM Newsletter (14 September 2014)


Brethren, may I wish you a belated Shabbat Shalom!

This is the first post I have made in many, many months and I must apologize to you. I have been remiss in my ministry and allowed the cares of the world to distract me from my purpose.

My commitment going forward is to diligently post every Sunday morning on the message we received at Sabbath Services to help share the truth of the Word of Y’HoWaH!

Each message will provide the link to where you can watch the Sabbath Service on the Internet. Also, in this newsletter I will add some commentary on any key points that were highlighted during the service .

Please do watch the message and also feel free to send me any questions that you may have. I will answer them as best as I am able. Eventually I will set up a comments section on the Spirit and Truth Revival web site, but until I have that site rebuilt please email me your questions to

May I ask you to support this ministry in one simple way?

If you feel that what I am posting here is a faithful expression of the Word of The Mighty One, please may I ask you to commit to forwarding this message on to just one person who you think would appreciate it because the Gospel MUST be preached to all the world before Messiah can return.

Yesterday’s Sabbath message was entitled “The Helmet of Salvation”.

This was the 5th message in the teaching series “The Whole Armor of The Mighty One”. The other messages in this series are:

I have included the You Tube link for each of these if you would like to watch the whole series.

During this study we identified that a physical helmet is worthless. Although it may protect our head and brain from a physical injury the Helmet of Salvation protects our mind from the snares of the devil. Our spiritual helmet is keeping our mind focused on the Word of Y’HoWaH. Most importantly knowing the “only Name by which we can be saved”.

We identified that “the fear of Y’HoWaH is the beginning of wisdom” and that “ALL scripture is profitable for doctrine, admonition, training and reproof”. It is understanding the scriptures which makes us “wise for salvation”.

Although it was not my original intention to focus on the sacred Name, we identified the correct name of Y’HoWaH is revealed in Isaiah 12:2. This led on to exploring the name of His Son. For many years I have been using the name Y’HoShUA but in preparing for this study I realized that this transliteration is incorrect. My new, better understanding is now Y’HoWShUA, which means “Y’HoWaH is salvation”. I feel that is a perfect expression of the ministry His Son performed for us while here on earth.

Please take time to watch this message here. Also I encourage you to send me questions to because “iron sharpens iron”.

Finally, please help spread the Word of Truth by forwarding this message on to one person because as the end times approach, the Gospel must be preached in all the world.


Your brother,

and servant of Y’HoWaH the one true Mighty One,


P. S. If you have received this message from someone else please visit and subscribe to the newsletter because that way you will be sure to receive all future messages.




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