The Role of Women in the Church

There is a great deal of confusion, contradiction and downright un-biblical practice in the Churches today. The looming schism in the Anglican church over women priests, soon to be Bishops, and homosexuality clearly demonstrates how far we have strayed from the God of the Bible!

Even in the Churches of God there are women who would put their own desires and search for glory above the Word of God. At the Feast of Tabernacles in 2001 I met a woman who presented herself as the Pastor of her local assembly. The rest of the brethren in her group accepted this and when challenged that she was operating contrary to scripture she produced pages of analysis of the New Testament Greek to prove that the Bible doesn’t say what it actually says!

I understand that the Messianic movement in the UK is now lead by a woman – this is against the teaching of the Bible and will incur the wrath of God!In the world around us we see total extremes in the role of women. In the west women strive for equality with men, governments set quotas and engage in social engineering, the model Supermom- runs a corporation, has kids, drives to hockey and soccer matches, works out, lunches and beautifies herself with her friends. And with a schedule like that she has no time for a quality relationship with her husband or children!

The error of the west is that the role of the man in the family has been so degraded that men think they bring no value, which is why so many don’t bother to stick around. Resulting in massive levels of divorce, broken homes, dysfunctional youth and drain on our social resources!

In the areas of the world where fundamentalist Islam has control the women are treated as chattels and possessions suppressed into medieval serfdom!

None of these models represents the true role and status of women in the Bible. Women are to be submissive to their husbands and husbands are to protect, honour and nurture their wives. Women are not allowed authority positions within the assembly but they have a powerful role to witness and evangelise in the world through their attitude and behaviour.  Women are encouraged to work and have independent means, at the same time there is a balance, women have the central role in raising, educating and disciplining their children.

And there is a Spiritual reason for this – the physical human family is a model of the relationship between YHWH, Yeshua and the Church.  Yeshua is the head, the church is the bride and is to be submissive to her husband. And as long as we allow this rebellion in our assemblies, we will deny ourselves the true blessings of attending the Marriage Supper of the Lamb!

Listen to this complete message at and click on the “Weekly Messages” tab.

Your brother and servant of the One True God,


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