Spirit and Truth Revival Ministry Newsletter (21 September 2014)



Shalom Brethren,

Yesterday’s message, we recorded during Sabbath services “The Sword of the Spirit” was the final message in our teaching series on the “Whole Armor of The Mighty One”.

We looked at the significance of the sword and spirit. The Scriptures, the word of The Mighty One, are our only offensive weapon in the spiritual battle that we face. As YHWH’s people we need to practice to understand how to use this weapon wisely and we need to study the Scriptures daily, so that we can use His weapon correctly. We need to understand when it’s appropriate to use the weapon and also when it’s appropriate to walk away, to avoid foolish genealogies and disputes.

During this message as we brought together the whole teaching series on the “Whole Armor of The Mighty One”. We studied how we ought to practice daily putting on this whole Armor.

We also understood that there were several side issues that were important to note. The first from the book of Acts. We read that Paul had shaved his head and then he was earnestly seeking to return to Jerusalem to observe the Feast. These give strong indications the Paul was still practicing as an orthodox Jew. He was a Pharisee of the Pharisees and he was fully immersed in the Jewish understanding. Having his head shaved indicates that he had just completed the Nazarite vow. The desire to return to Jerusalem for the feast is an Old Testament requirement. When we think of Paul as the theologian of the New Testament, it’s very clear that his theology was soundly based in the Old Testament teaching.

Also in the book of Hebrews, chapter four verse nine we read, “there remains a rest for the people of The Mighty One”. When we study this and go into the detail, that word “rest” was Strong’s word G4520, which is translated, “sabbatismos”. It is the only place in the New Testament this word is used and it means a Sabbath keeping.

There is an explicit instruction in the New Testament for the people of the YHWH to observe the Sabbath day.

There is no change. Paul didn’t change the Sabbath day. Paul didn’t overrule the Ten Commandments. Everything Paul did and wrote about was supporting the Scripture, all the Torah and the Old Testament.

As we are just coming into the Fall High Days, I felt to be appropriate to let you know the schedule of events for the next few weeks.

On Tuesday evening, 23rd September, we will be opening the Annual Sabbath for the Feast of Trumpets just before seven o’clock. At that time will be giving a sin offering to prepare ourselves for the upcoming High Days. On Wednesday 24th September, we will be observing the Feast of Trumpets.

The following Sabbath, we will be studying the message on “the Morning Star”.

The Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur, is starting at sunset on Thursday 2nd October and we will be fasting from that time, no food or water, through to the end of the day on Friday. Services will be at usual time of 1:30 pm.

Sabbath services, 4th October, will also be at the usual time and we will study “When was Y’HoWShUA born?”.

The following week we will be traveling to Galveston, Texas to meet with brethren down there and we will be observing the Feast of Tabernacles and the Eighth day in Texas. So there will be no services in Pennsylvania from the 7th October through to 15th.

Services in Pennsylvania will resume on the Sabbath, 18th October with the message “As a young child”.

If we don’t meet up before the Feast days, I pray that you will have a fantastic and blessed celebration of YHWH’s set apart celebrations!

Please help this ministry grow by sharing this message with people you think would benefit from hearing it. If there are people who would like to watch the full message, please visit us on You Tube. The message can be found on the Bucks County Bible Assembly 2014 play list.

Here is the direct link to this message http://youtu.be/3lsiyfX5xiQ

Also please direct them to a web site www.spiritandtruthrevival.org.

Thank you,

Your bother, and servant of the One True Mighty One,




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