Spirit And Truth Revival Ministry Newsletter 25 September 2014 – Feast of Trumpets and the Days of Awe



I hope that you have enjoyed a wonderful celebration of the Feast of Trumpets. We studied the meaning of this Feast Day, the prophetic significance of the blowing of Trumpets and Shofars  and the 10 Days of Awe.

The trumpet / shofar sounding can be used to instruct the children of Israel to break camp, to announce the arrival of the Sovereign, to celebrate the new moon and feast Days, to call out to YHWH and for His reply.

We also looked at the Jewish tradition of the 10 Days of Awe, the period between Trumpets and Atonement, which is a time of reflection, reconciliation and repentance.

You can watch the full message here – http://youtu.be/j8QQDyO7JiA

With all the terrible things going on in the world, the rise of ISIS and their blood lust for beheading their enemies, the continued Ebola outbreak in Africa, the growing US national debt and risk this poses to the dollar and the increasing social tensions within the country, we felt it was a good time for us to commit to a period of introspection.

We also felt it is significant that the 10 Days of Awe give us occasion to meditate and reflect on each of the 10 Commandments as we prepare to the most sacred of the Feast Days – Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. So in preparation for becoming At-One with YHWH we have committed to meditate and reflect on each of the Ten Commandments in turn to help us prepare our sin list and repent in preparation for the sacred Fast of the Day of Atonement. I invite you to take time to reflect in this way also.


Your brother, and servant of the One True YHWH,


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