STRM Newsletter (28 Sep 14) – As A Little Child



As A Little Child

Shalom brethren!

This weeks message “As a little child” explores the Scripture fro Mark 10:15 “Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of the Mighty One as a little child will by no means enter it.”

What is the attitude that a little child has that we must emulate to enter the Kingdom of the Mighty One?

I have struggled with this Scripture for many years until I recently saw a presentation on how our subconscious mind develops. Up to the age of around 8 years old, children do not possess a “critical factor” in their subconscious – anything they are taught is accepted on face value. The second feature of a child’s development is after they’ve completed the “Terrible Two’s” they become an information sponge and the most common word out of their mouth is “Why?”. The final difference between a young child and an adult is that they laugh more, they are much better at seeing fun and experiencing joy in what they do. Adults tend to let their learned behavior and the cares of the world subdue this part of our nature.

So how do we apply these three facets in our relationship with YHWH?

Firstly we must accept His Word at face value. We have been programmed in our education system to accept the “Big Bang theory” and “Darwin’s Theory of Evolution” as fact. But they are both theories and have remained as theories because there is no evidence which will withstand scientific scrutiny to allow them to be come Laws. So if we can put off this intellectual filter and see the Word of YHWH for what it is, the inspired Word of the Creator of the Universe, we are better able to come to the truth.

(As a note of caution – although the original text was inerrant, successive translations have introduced errors, some accidental, some deliberate to hide the Truth. So we must study our Bibles carefully, prove all things and be ready to challenge the translation when we gain a better understanding).

The second thing we must do is to ask “Why?”. Why did YHWH inspire this Word to be placed before us? Asking why is the most important question because when we truly do approach the Scriptures  with this attitude we really learn what is the mystery of YHWH and His intention for us. When you study the Scripture, study deeply every day and always ask Why. Then you find the answer will have come to much a deeper understanding.

The final attitude of a little child which we must adopt is to laugh and have fun. At the Feast of Tabernacles last year a person came to me and said they we’re pleased we’d met because they realized that it was OK to have fun in our faith! That’s tragic! We have been blessed to know the mind of our Creator, we are pre-destined to become his first fruits from creation, full members of His spirit family alongside Y’HoWShUA, His only begotten Son, and co-inheritors of the universe. What’s not to be joyful about in that!

Become as a little child for a deeper relationship with your Father, YHWH

Brethren, take off the filters of your critical factor and accept the Scriptures for what they are. Learn the mystery of YHWH more deeply by asking Why. And laugh, rejoice always, let every day be an amazing experience of discovery and excitement and do not quench the Spirit!

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Upcoming High Days

On Friday, 3 October we will be observing the “Day of Atonement” (Yom Kippur). The fast (no food or water) will start at sunset on Thursday evening and continue for 24 hours until sunset on Friday. This is the most sacred of the annual High Days, so please make sure you are ready and do not approach the Throne of the Most High in an unworthy manner.


Your brother, and servant of the One True Mighty One, YHWH.




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