STRM Newsletter (19 Oct 14) – The Eighth Day


Shalom Brethren,
It’s good to be home after celebrating a wonderful Feast of Tabernacles in Galveston Texas with brethren from several other Hebrew roots assemblies.
We had a great Feast and the theme was around spiritual preparation. We made good progress at moving into the set apart spiritual space but we didn’t achieve the breakthrough I had been hoping for.
When I returned home I realized that we have not clearly observed the Eighth Day as a set apart convocation separate from the 7 day Feast of Tabernacles. So I thought it was appropriate to review this High Day during Sabbath Services as it gives us the clearest indication of the ultimate destiny YHWH is offering all of humanity.
​The Eighth Day
The correct understanding of the symbolism of Eighth Day is especially meaningful for me this year as my earthly father went to sleep in the spring. Clearly understanding the Great White Throne Judgment, what the Bible means when it says “the books were opened” and the real purpose for the lake of fire is especially meaningful when we remember our loved ones who have completed this earthly journey.
While I was preparing this message I had a revelation about how we should actually be observing the Feast of Tabernacles and the Eighth Day and how we can breakthrough to the most set apart spiritual place. Over the past 17 years of observing the Feast of Tabernacles we have come close to breaking through but for a variety of reasons never had complete success. I now clearly understand the process we must follow to achieve this state.
For the next 12 months I will be focusing the teaching of this ministry for preparing ourselves to enter in to the “Most Set Apart Place Behind the Veil”. We have made a good start by putting on the “Whole Armor of The Mighty One”. This allows us to engage in spiritual preparation and “withstand the devil”
who will do everything in his power to prevent us achieving our true spiritual nature.
Over the coming months we will study – sanctification, sacrifice, the prophetic significance of September 2015 and how the Bride must make herself ready. The first series of teachings in this journey will be the “Seven Assemblies of Asia Minor” to help us understand the prevailing attitudes in the assemblies and what we must overcome  to be successful in our journey towards spiritual revelation.
I will be updating our ministry website over the next few weeks so please help me grow this ministry by forwarding this message to one or two people you think  would appreciate this message.
Your brother and servant of the One True Mighty One,

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