STRM Newsletter 13 December – Laodicea


Brethren, Shalom!

I pray that you have had a blessed week. Please remember to pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

The latest round of political infighting seriously weakens Israel at a time when she is most threatened by the Islamic states surrounding her. At the same time Israel is receiving the lowest level of support from the American administration in living memory. A house divided cannot stand. Just as it is prophesied that America must fall before the end comes, so also Israel must be so weakened that they compromise with the Beast power to allow him to enter the set apart city and set up his own form of worship on the Temple mount.

Again the news events parallel the attitude we find in the final letter to the seven assemblies of Asia minor. The 7th assembly, Laodicea was criticized for having works which were lukewarm. Y’HoWShUA admonished them and told them to be zealous and repent. If the people held fast to the covenant with YHWH they would be invited to sit on the throne alongside Y’HoWShUA. But mainstream Christianity, Judaism and many Sabbaterian assemblies are indifferent to the Word of YHWH, to the point that ecumenism, a one world, all embracing false religion is gaining momentum across the globe.

Brethren, we are commanded to hold fast to the truth, to not deny His Name and to be zealous and ready for His return. If we are not, He will vomit us out of His presence and we shall not be able to enter in to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. Instead we will be left outside, like the five foolish virgins, to face the tribulation and take the ultimate test – to hold fast to our faith and face death from the sword of Islam or to deny Y’HoWShUA and accept the mark of the beast. If we deny Him, He will deny us before His Father at the day of judgement.

As this was the last message in the study series I will adding this series to our study articles on the web site. You can watch this week’s message here and see the whole study series here.

Next week’s message is entitled “The Xmas Con” and will reveal the true origins of Xmas.

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