STRM Newsletter 3 January – The Commandments and the Law

Welcome to the new calendar year of 2015!

I believe that this is going to be a year of great changes in the world and we may even start to experience the signs of Joel 2 with the outpouring of the Ruach HaKodesh on His children!

This year we will see the Biblical New Year start on 20 March at the same time as the Spring Equinox, this will also be a Total Solar Eclipse, a sackcloth sun. At Passover we will experience the 3rd blood moon of this tetrad. This is also the beginning of the Sabbath year, a year of rest for the land.

In the Fall we will experience another sackcloth sun on the Feast of Trumpets and ten days later on the Day of Atonement, the shofar shall be sounded to announce the beginning of the Jubilee year. On this same day the second countdown of Daniel’s 70 week prophecy shall be completed. The Feast of Tabernacles will start with the final blood moon of the tetrad. So in the prophetic arena this is a year for us all to be diligently watching for increasing signs of Messiah’s return.

We will be observing the Biblical calendar based on the astronomical conjunction of the New Moon (this places our celebrations 1 day before the calculated Hebrew calendar because of the unscriptural postponements that calendar introduces). The feast dates are as follows:

  • 20 March – New Moon Day – 1st day of the Biblical New Year
  • 1 April – Last Supper (after sunset)
  • 2 April – Passover (at sunset)
  • 3 April – First Day of Unleavened Bread (High Day)
  • 5 April – Wavesheaf offering
  • 9 April – Last Day of Unleavened Bread (High Day)
  • 24 May – Pentecost (High Day)
  • 13 September – New Moon Day – Feast of Trumpets (High Day)
  • 22 September – Day of Atonement (High Day and fast)
  • 27 September – First day of the Feast of Tabernacles (High Day)
  • 4 October – The Eighth Day (High Day)

(Please note that the High Day observance starts at sunset on the day prior to the High Day).

In preparation for this year’s major events I am focusing on improving our website to offer more Biblically sound teaching and also promoting the website so that we can do our share in preaching the Gospel to all the world. If you have any suggestions on how we can improve the website or how we can promote it to reach more people please let me know.

I am starting the year with an 11 part study series on the Ten Commandments as this is a very important teaching which I need to get converted to video and posted on the website. You can click here to watch the first part “The Commandments and the Law”. Over the coming 10 weeks we will take an in depth look at each Commandment in turn.

The final teaching from 2014 was “Satan v Lucifer”. There are many people in our society who regard Lucifer as the angel of light and superior to Y’HoWShUA. If you have not studied this subject this would be a good teaching for you to watch because Satan transforms himself into angel of light.

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