STRM Newsletter 2 May 2015 – The Trinity and Other gods

This week’s message is titled “The Trinity and Other gods”. The trinity doctrine is the one common theme which unites the majority of Christian faiths. However, like the “Rapture” the word is not found in the Bible. When we explore this doctrine more deeply the Bible gives no explicit statement supporting the “Trinity” doctrine. In fact, Christian theologians admit this fact and state “it [the Bible] “bears witness to” the activity of a God who can only be understood in Trinitarian terms”.

There is clear evidence for the family of YHWH consisting of YHWH the Father and Y’HoWShUA His only begotten Son. There is also explicit evidence that the Set Apart Spirit is the power which is sent out from YHWH under the executive authority of Y’HoWShUA. But, there is no evidence that the Set Apart Spirit has its own independent personality. In fact, when you check the letters of the New Testament, every one invokes the grace of the Father and the Son, but not one includes the Set Apart Spirit in that benediction. Surely, if the Spirit was a separate deity, it would be blasphemous to ignore Him in every letter of the New Testament?

When we explore the archaeological record we find evidence of a triune deity in virtually all ancient civilization starting with the Babylonian trinity of Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz down the ages through Mesopotamia, Canaan and Egypt to Greece (Zeus, Athena and Apollo) through ancient Rome to the current Catholic Trinity of God the Father, Mary Queen of heaven and Jesus Christ the Son. Even the Hindus and Buddhists have their own version of the Trinity godhead. Remember Satan deceives the whole world and if possible even the very elect!

The result of this corrupt doctrine is to change the day of worship fro Sabbath to SUN-day, change Passover into Easter, the fertility rite of the goddess Ishtar, and counterfeit the Feast of Tabernacles / Eighth Day into the Christmas / New Year celebration.

The greatest impact of this false doctrine is to suggest that the “Godhead” is a closed group comprising of the three indivisible personalities, the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. When in fact the ultimate blessing which YHWH has bestowed on His people is the opportunity to become full members of His spiritual family, adopted as co-heirs and co-rulers of the creation with Y’HoWShUA.

The trinity doctrine is a Satanic deception promoted by those who wish to propagate the pagan mystery religion stated in Babylon. We are to have nothing to do with this doctrine, nor have the name of any other gods on our lips. As Y’HoWShUA admonishes us “come out of her My people”. Please watch the full message “The Trinity and Other gods” because you need to understand the truth of teh Scripture so that you will not be deceived by Satan the devil and loose your crown as a member of the elect and firstfruits to YHWH.

Brethren. study the scriptures daily, prove all things and hold fast to the truth. Then you will receive your reward being numbered among the elect, firstfruits of YHWH and co-heirs with Messiah!

If you have any questions about this message or would like to suggest other subjects for future messages, please feel free to contact me.

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