STRM Newsletter 8 March 2015 – The Ninth Commandment “You shall not bear false witness”


When we studies the 8th Commandment we learned that when we lie, we steal from our own integrity. As we explore the Ninth Commandment “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor” we identified how seriously YHWH regards the sin of lying.

From the instruction in the book of Deuteronomy that a perjurer should receive the same punishment as they were trying to invoke on an innocent person, to the example in the book of Acts where YHWH executed Annanias and Sapphira for lying to the Set Apart Spirit. YHWH regards lying just as much as sin deserving of death as any of the other Commandments.

This study revealed two profound scriptural statements. Firstly that YHWH cannot lie, not that He does not lie, but that He CANNOT lie. When we consider this point in depth is gives some indication as to why YHWH took the risk of begetting His only Son who became the Word, the executive command, of the creative process.

We also identified that the “Scriptures cannot be broken” and that if we add to His Scriptures YHWH considers us liars. This statement should strike fear into the hearts of all the mainstream ministers and evangelists who perpetuate the false doctrines of Sunday worship, Easter, Christmas, the Law was nailed to the cross, once saved always saved, hell and purgatory, life after death, the rapture and the trinity, to name but a few!

The concept of personal conviction is often cited as an excuse for breaking Torah. We must exercise extreme caution when we claim this exemption. We must diligently test our own heart against the Scriptures because as Jeremiah warns us “The heart is deceitful above all things and exceedingly wicked, who can know it?”

Finally we asked the same questions as Pilate struggled with, “What is truth?” The scriptures revealed to us that His Word is truth and that the Commandments are truth. If we claim to know YHWH and do not keep His Commandments He regards us as liars.

Please watch this message and test your heart against what the scriptures reveal to us to discern whether you have been deceived, or are unwittingly deceiving yourself, because when we live a life of truth before YHWH we receive the gift of eternal life and adoption into the family of YHWH.

If you have any questions about this message or would like to suggest other subjects for future messages, please feel free to contact me.

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