by David | Dec 8, 2014 | Weekly Message
Please download the service notes that accompany this video – Msg 1442 The Eighth...
by David | Dec 7, 2014 | Blog
Brethren Shalom! This weeks message discussed the assembly at Philadelphia,the sixth of the seven assemblies of Asia minor. Last week, in the letter to Sardis, we saw the standard form of the letter – identification, works, criticism and offer was broken because they had no works to commend them. In this letter to Philadelphia the standard form is also broken as there is no criticism of this assembly. Smyrna and Philadelphia are the only two of the seven assemblies which are not criticized. Smyrna, the persecuted assembly only had to hold fast to their faith and Philadelphia, the faithful assembly, was required to do a small work. We need to understand that size of the building, the extent of the mailing list, the amount of broadcast air time and the ranking of the website are irrelevant to YHWH. He is judging us by the quality of the hearts He finds in our assemblies. The speaker to the assembly at Philadelphia was identified as having the Key of David. There is not much in the scriptures about this other than the obvious connection to rulership over Jerusalem. But at a deeper level the key that allowed David to come before the Ark of the Covenant, which it was not lawful for him to do as he was not a Levitical Priest, was through his praise and worship of YHWH. David was a man after YHWH’s own heart and his desire was to be as close as possible as he could to YHWH. That same blessing was offered to the assembly at Philadelphia. Those that overcome, by holding fast to YHWH...
by David | Dec 7, 2014 | Blog
Brethren, I hope you all enjoyed a peaceful and satisfying Thanksgiving. Regrettably, no sooner had America collectively given thanks for all the blessing that have been heaped upon this nation, than our people threw themselves into the annual orgy of unbridled consumerism known as Black Friday. America once exported great things – a spirit of excellence, great feats of engineering, a proud and strong military, justice, integrity and international aid. Now America has prostrated itself on the altar of consumerism. We export greed, government debt, hypocrisy, deceit, GMO crops, pornography and political charade and nepotism in lieu of government for the people. Now we have exported Black Friday to Canada and the UK and scenes of mindless rioting in the lust for consumer tat fills our news from the Britain. I read this week that Russia is considering a motion in the UN for the protection of Christians from persecution. It amazes me that only 30 years ago Communist Russia banned religion while America was a haven religious freedom. Now Russia is stepping in to defend Christian minorities and America welcomes Islam into its cathedrals, schools and government institutions. Where is the voice of outrage from the Christian majority? The Scriptures tell us, there is nothing new under the sun. Just as the Christian church in America has died in all but name, so did the 1st Century assembly at Sardis. The letter to this church does not follow the typical four part structure – 1) Identity of the Speaker, 2) Praised for works, 3) Criticism, 4) Offer to overcomers. Sardis is immediately criticized for being a dead church,...
by David | Dec 7, 2014 | Weekly Message
Please download the service notes that accompany this video – Msg 1447...
by David | Dec 7, 2014 | Blog
Shalom brethren! This week’s message continued the study series on the “Seven Assemblies in Asia Minor” as we explored the message to the assembly at Thyatira. This group was commended for their love, service, faith and patience. All attributes which we must be aspiring to in our walk with Messiah as the days of darkness approach. They were however criticized by Y’HoWShUA for their compromising, by allowing Jezebel to promote fornication and seduce the believers. It is extremely unlikely that any credible Christian ministry would teach that physical fornication and adultery are acceptable. So obviously, speaking in the spiritual context, this is talking about adopting pagan practices and assimilating with the false religions of the world. You can watch the full message here. It is interesting that in last two weeks we have had witness of 3 significant prophetic events relating to this very subject. The first the Muslim prayer meeting in the National Cathedral on 14 Nov. One of the speakers quoted Quran 5:82, “and you will find the nearest of them in affection to the believers those who say, “We are Christians.” That is because among them are priests and monks and because they are not arrogant.” as a symbol of supposed the common theology shared between Christians and Muslims. What this speaker omitted was the first half of the verse, “You will surely find the most intense of the people in animosity toward the believers [to be] the Jews and those who associate others with Allah ; ” So this event of alleged ecumenical relationship building was nothing more than veiled anti-Semitism. The speaker also invoked...