by David | Dec 7, 2014 | Blog
Brethren, I hope you enjoyed a peaceful and enlightening Sabbath recovering from all the rushing around and returning to a normal routine after the Feast of Tabernacles. In this message we started a seven part study series on the “Seven Assemblies of Asia Minor”. This section of Revelation has been widely studied and interpreted. One of the prevailing interpretations is that each assembly represents a discrete temporal age of the Apostolic faith. By this analysis we would now be in the Laodicean era. That would place those of us who are trying to rouse the Bride in a hopeless position as the attitude of all the people of YHWH is one of lukewarm complacency. Although this could be the dominant attitude of our age I do not believe that it is the only attitude we find. I prefer to regard these seven assemblies as archetypes which describe seven spiritual conditions we can find in the people of YHWH. Over the ages there may have been one predominant condition at any given time, but each condition can be found at every time, yesterday, today and into the future. I believe that this is a far more beneficial model for teaching and evangelism. Everyone who reads these chapters should honestly ask themselves – which spiritual attitude am I representing to the world and my Savior? The Assembly at Ephesus was praised for their patience and labor, for exposing false prophets and for holding fast to the true name of Y’HoWaH. There were also commended for hating the deeds of the Nicolaitans (this is an interesting study in the abuse of authority...
by David | Dec 7, 2014 | Blog
Shalom Brethren, It’s good to be home after celebrating a wonderful Feast of Tabernacles in Galveston Texas with brethren from several other Hebrew roots assemblies. We had a great Feast and the theme was around spiritual preparation. We made good progress at moving into the set apart spiritual space but we didn’t achieve the breakthrough I had been hoping for. When I returned home I realized that we have not clearly observed the Eighth Day as a set apart convocation separate from the 7 day Feast of Tabernacles. So I thought it was appropriate to review this High Day during Sabbath Services as it gives us the clearest indication of the ultimate destiny YHWH is offering all of humanity. The Eighth Day The correct understanding of the symbolism of Eighth Day is especially meaningful for me this year as my earthly father went to sleep in the spring. Clearly understanding the Great White Throne Judgment, what the Bible means when it says “the books were opened” and the real purpose for the lake of fire is especially meaningful when we remember our loved ones who have completed this earthly journey. You can watch the message on “The Eighth Day” here. While I was preparing this message I had a revelation about how we should actually be observing the Feast of Tabernacles and the Eighth Day and how we can breakthrough to the most set apart spiritual place. Over the past 17 years of observing the Feast of Tabernacles we have come close to breaking through but for a variety of reasons never had complete success. I now clearly...
by David | Dec 7, 2014 | Blog
Shalom! This is a very quick letter to give you the links to our last two messages. On Friday we observed the Day of Atonement, also known as Yom Kippur, in Hebrew. We looked at the concept of At-One-ment and came to understand what it really means to be “At-One” with YHWH. You can watch the message “Being At-One with YHWH” here. On Shabbat we were discuss the upcoming Feast of Tabernacles and why this celebration of Y’HoWShUA’s birth and ministry is so important to us. We took the time during this service to use the Scriptures to identify the exact date of His birth to give more meaning to the upcoming feast. This also allows us to clearly identify Xmas as a pagan counterfeit which His people should have no part in. The message, “When was Y’HoWShUA born?” can be seen here. We are going to be very busy for the next two weeks attending the Feast of Tabernacles with brethren in Galveston Texas. So I will write an update for you after we return on 20 Oct. Until then, Shalom and may YaH bless you and keep you! Your brother,...
by David | Dec 7, 2014 | Blog
As A Little Child Shalom brethren! This weeks message “As a little child” explores the Scripture fro Mark 10:15 “Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of the Mighty One as a little child will by no means enter it.” What is the attitude that a little child has that we must emulate to enter the Kingdom of the Mighty One? I have struggled with this Scripture for many years until I recently saw a presentation on how our subconscious mind develops. Up to the age of around 8 years old, children do not possess a “critical factor” in their subconscious – anything they are taught is accepted on face value. The second feature of a child’s development is after they’ve completed the “Terrible Two’s” they become an information sponge and the most common word out of their mouth is “Why?”. The final difference between a young child and an adult is that they laugh more, they are much better at seeing fun and experiencing joy in what they do. Adults tend to let their learned behavior and the cares of the world subdue this part of our nature. So how do we apply these three facets in our relationship with YHWH? Firstly we must accept His Word at face value. We have been programmed in our education system to accept the “Big Bang theory” and “Darwin’s Theory of Evolution” as fact. But they are both theories and have remained as theories because there is no evidence which will withstand scientific scrutiny to allow them to be come Laws. So if we can...
by David | Dec 7, 2014 | Blog
Brethren, I hope that you have enjoyed a wonderful celebration of the Feast of Trumpets. We studied the meaning of this Feast Day, the prophetic significance of the blowing of Trumpets and Shofars and the 10 Days of Awe. The trumpet / shofar sounding can be used to instruct the children of Israel to break camp, to announce the arrival of the Sovereign, to celebrate the new moon and feast Days, to call out to YHWH and for His reply. We also looked at the Jewish tradition of the 10 Days of Awe, the period between Trumpets and Atonement, which is a time of reflection, reconciliation and repentance. You can watch the full message here – With all the terrible things going on in the world, the rise of ISIS and their blood lust for beheading their enemies, the continued Ebola outbreak in Africa, the growing US national debt and risk this poses to the dollar and the increasing social tensions within the country, we felt it was a good time for us to commit to a period of introspection. We also felt it is significant that the 10 Days of Awe give us occasion to meditate and reflect on each of the 10 Commandments as we prepare to the most sacred of the Feast Days – Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. So in preparation for becoming At-One with YHWH we have committed to meditate and reflect on each of the Ten Commandments in turn to help us prepare our sin list and repent in preparation for the sacred Fast of the Day of Atonement. I...