STRM Newsletter 20 June 2015 – Humility

Last week we explored how America has been brought under a curse by the hubris of its leaders. In this week’s message we look for the antidote to hubris –“Humility”. What is quite remarkable is that anyone who genuinely humbles himself before YHWH will be blessed. King Ahab was the worst king Israel ever had, his wife Jezebel actively persecuted and murdered the prophets of YHWH. Ahab murdered Naboth and stole his land because he was envious of the vineyard Naboth had created. YHWH pronounced judgement on Ahab and his descendents. But, when Ahab humbled himself YHWH relented of his judgment and deferred the punishment to Ahab’s son’s generation. YHWH gave King Solomon this profound message, “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land“. (2 Chr 7:14 KJV) Notice, this is a conditional statement “IF” my people humble themselves “THEN” I will hear, forgive and heal! The pivotal question is this, “Will the American people humble themselves in spite of their leaders?” The answer I regret is “No!” The media and our current cult of “celebrity” promote everything but humility, meekness and service. America will not repent and will soon receive the wrath of YHWH. As individuals we can however humble ourselves and YHWH will hear us and bless us for this. If we genuinely follow the example of Y’HoWShUA who humbled Himself to take on human form and die on the stake for our sins, we,...