STRM Newsletter 13 June 2015 – Hubris

Did you know that the American people have been cursed by the sin of “Hubris”? “Hubris” is defined as excessive pride. Also the understanding of the ancient Greeks was that hubris was defiance of the gods leading to nemesis. Obviously we do not accept the pagan pantheon of ancient Greece. But the definition of hubris as “defiance of YHWH leading to destruction” is totally apt for our purposes. In this week’s message “Hubris” we explore how this sin particularly affects a country’s leaders. King Uzziah wanted to offer incense in the Tabernacle, Nebbuchadnezzer’s pride got the better of him and he was made to live as a beast in the field for seven years. His son, Belshazzar defiled the cups of YHWH’s temple and received the “writing on the wall” prophecy and punishment. Even King David fell foul to “hubris” and 70,000 men of Israel died in YHWH punishment. Once infected by hubris our leaders see themselves as above the law. The government is no longer by the people for the people but rather over the people. This is the doctrine of the Nicolaitens, which YHWH hates.We have seen this manifest with Bill Clinton and the Monica Lewisnky affair, the Bush 1 and 2 illegal wars on Iraq and now Obama’s total disregard to the Constitution. When a leader is smitten with hubris, if a law is inconvenient for them, they either ignore it or rewrite it. Israel has always been a stiff necked nation and prone to national hubris and rebellion against YHWH. Isaiah, Jeremiah, Hosea and Amos all prophesied YHWH’s judgement on our people if we turn...

STRM Newsletter 6 June 2015 – Demons

Last week we discussed the role that demonic possession plays in mental health and physical sickness. There is a lot of reticence and misunderstanding about demons. In fact, 86% of Americans believe in “God” but only 70% believe in Satan. If we are to be true to the word of Scripture we cannot believe in YHWH and then deny His explicit statements about Satan and demons. There is a lot of confusion between angels, fallen angels and demons. This week’s message “Demons” compares the characteristics of angels and demons revealed to us in the Bible. Angels can manifest among us to be seen by one, some or all of the people. They can talk with us, touch us and eat with us. They can reveal themselves as mighty beings from YHWH or as regular people giving us no clue who they really are. Demons cannot manifest themselves in the flesh. The only way they can interact with this physical creation is through the possession of another being, human or animal. The one who is possessed can have supernatural powers while under the influence of the demon. But when the demon is cast out, or the being dies the demon must find another host or it will be condemned to the abyss, until the time of final judgement. The Hollywood image of these horrific all powerful beings destroying humanity with impunity is seriously inaccurate. Demons can invoke human beings to kill and destroy other human beings, but they themselves have no power to directly interact in this physical domain. Also, demons and Satan himself have no power or authority over...