STRM Newsletter 16 May 2015 – Life

In last weeks message we discussed the verse, John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life“. We identified that the love YHWH has for us “agape” love, is given unconditionally without any expectation of return. It is interesting that this perfect love gave us everlasting life. Y’HoWShUA further expanded this blessing when He said, “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly“. (John 10:10). Y’HoWShUA came that we may have life , and have it more abundantly. Many people are concerned with the concept that as the children of YHWH we have the opportunity to amass abundant wealth. They will point to the scriptures – “money is the root of all evil“, and, “you cannot serve God and mammon” – and draw the conclusion that if we are to be set apart we therefore cannot have money, or the possessions which it brings. This position is a mis-rendering of scripture. The full verse reads “For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows“. (1 Tim 6:10) Money itself is not the problem. It is when we place the acquisition of money ahead of our relationship with YHWH, then it becomes idolatry which is a problem. Similarly, those who choose to express their faith through deliberately choosing a life...

STRM Newsletter 9 May 2015 – Love

Do you remember the classic Beatles song “All you need is love” lah, lah la la lah? This was written in 1967 by Lennon and McCartney as a commission for the BBC to be the British contribution to the world’s first global television link up. One of the last instructions Y’HoWShUA gave us before He ascended into heaven was “Love one another, by this all men will know that you are my disciples”. The Bible talks in depth about love, specially in the New Testament writings of the Apostle John. However, the word we read as love in the English language is translated from four different Greek words – eros, storge, philio and agape. Knowing the meaning of the Greek words and applying them to the English translation opens up a deeper understanding of what YHWH means when He talks of love. Eros is sexual love, this word is not recorded in the New Testament Greek manuscripts. Storge refers to the natural love we have for members of our immediate family. Philio refers to brotherly love, or the mutual affection and respect we have for people who share similar beliefs and behaviors. In our modern society this would include members of a sports team, workmates, a fan club or political party. In the New Testament example it refers to the relationship between the brethren in the body of Messiah. Agape is the highest form of love. This can be better understood as benevolence – the concept of giving without any expectation of reward or return. This is the love YHWH had for His creation when Y’HoWShUA accepted the role...