Should we compromise to evangelise?

As we strive to return to the true worship of YHWH once observed by His people, we find ourselves moving further and further away from the beliefs we were taught – firstly in our early days as Sunday observant Christian and now more moving away from the doctrines of the Church of God. Whether it be the calendar, sacred names, church hierarchy, tithing, gifts of the spirit, role of women in the assembly to name but a few – we find that we are moving further and further away from the erroneous beliefs we once held. So how do we reconcile this our desire, in fact our commission, to reach out to the lost sheep of the children of Israel, and bring them back to the true worship of YHWH? In our desire to uphold and practice the truth, we must exercise estreme caution that we do not alienate out brethren who have not made the journey as far as we have, we must avoid at all costs the temptation to pound the Bible in their faces and we must hold in clear reality the warning from Yeshua, “Whoever causes the least of these little ones to stuble, it would be better if a millstone were hung round his neck and he were thrown into the sea!”.As we move into the world to reach out we must follow the example of Paul – “I am all things to al men, to the Jew, a Jew as under the law, and to the gentile and gentile outside the law”. In all things brethren be as harmless as a dove and...

The Role of Women in the Church

There is a great deal of confusion, contradiction and downright un-biblical practice in the Churches today. The looming schism in the Anglican church over women priests, soon to be Bishops, and homosexuality clearly demonstrates how far we have strayed from the God of the Bible! Even in the Churches of God there are women who would put their own desires and search for glory above the Word of God. At the Feast of Tabernacles in 2001 I met a woman who presented herself as the Pastor of her local assembly. The rest of the brethren in her group accepted this and when challenged that she was operating contrary to scripture she produced pages of analysis of the New Testament Greek to prove that the Bible doesn’t say what it actually says! I understand that the Messianic movement in the UK is now lead by a woman – this is against the teaching of the Bible and will incur the wrath of God!In the world around us we see total extremes in the role of women. In the west women strive for equality with men, governments set quotas and engage in social engineering, the model Supermom- runs a corporation, has kids, drives to hockey and soccer matches, works out, lunches and beautifies herself with her friends. And with a schedule like that she has no time for a quality relationship with her husband or children! The error of the west is that the role of the man in the family has been so degraded that men think they bring no value, which is why so many don’t bother to stick...