
STRM Newsletter (29 Nov 14) – Sardis

Brethren, I hope you all enjoyed a peaceful and satisfying Thanksgiving. Regrettably, no sooner had America collectively given thanks for all the blessing that have been heaped upon this nation, than our people threw themselves into the annual orgy of unbridled consumerism known as Black Friday. America once exported great things – a spirit of excellence, great feats of engineering, a proud and strong military, justice, integrity and international aid. Now America has prostrated itself on the altar of consumerism. We export greed, government debt, hypocrisy, deceit, GMO crops, pornography and political charade and nepotism in lieu of government for the people. Now we have exported Black Friday to Canada and the UK and scenes of mindless rioting in the lust for consumer tat fills our news from the Britain. I read this week that Russia is considering a motion in the UN for the protection of Christians from persecution. It amazes me that only 30 years ago Communist Russia banned religion while America was a haven religious freedom. Now Russia is stepping in to defend Christian minorities and America welcomes Islam into its cathedrals, schools and government institutions. Where is the voice of outrage from the Christian majority? The Scriptures tell us, there is nothing new under the sun. Just as the Christian church in America has died in all but name, so did the 1st Century assembly at Sardis. The letter to this church does not follow the typical four part structure – 1) Identity of the Speaker, 2) Praised for works, 3) Criticism, 4) Offer to overcomers. Sardis is immediately criticized for being a dead church,... read more

STRM Newsletter (22 Nov 14) – Thyatira

Shalom brethren! This week’s message continued the study series on the “Seven Assemblies in Asia Minor” as we explored the message to the assembly at Thyatira. This group was commended for their love, service, faith and patience. All attributes which we must be aspiring to in our walk with Messiah as the days of darkness approach. They were however criticized by Y’HoWShUA for their compromising, by allowing Jezebel to promote fornication and seduce the believers. It is extremely unlikely that any credible Christian ministry would teach that physical fornication and adultery are acceptable. So obviously, speaking in the spiritual context, this is talking about adopting pagan practices and assimilating with the false religions of the world. You can watch the full message here. It is interesting that in last two weeks we have had witness of 3 significant prophetic events relating to this very subject. The first the Muslim prayer meeting in the National Cathedral on 14 Nov. One of the speakers quoted Quran 5:82, “and you will find the nearest of them in affection to the believers those who say, “We are Christians.” That is because among them are priests and monks and because they are not arrogant.” as a symbol of supposed the common theology shared between Christians and Muslims. What this speaker omitted was the first half of the verse, “You will surely find the most intense of the people in animosity toward the believers [to be] the Jews and those who associate others with Allah ; ” So this event of alleged ecumenical relationship building was nothing more than veiled anti-Semitism. The speaker also invoked... read more

STRM Newsletter (15 Nov 14) – Pergamos

Shalom Brethren! This weeks message continues the teaching series on “The Seven Assemblies of Asia Minor”. This third teaching explores the assembly at Pergamos. They are commended for holding fast to their faith and not denying His name and admonished for accepting the doctrine of Balaam and the Nicolaitans. Knowing the correct name of YHWH is critical for our long term success in this walk with Him. The scriptures tell us “who ever calls on the name of YHWH will be saved”. Proverbs 30;:4 directly challenges us “What is His name, and what is His Son’s name, If you know?”. His name is NOT – Lord, HaShem. God, Adonai. Please study to discover His true name and prove all things. Our understanding on this subject can be found here. However, the assembly at Pergamos were admonished for accepting the doctrines of Balaam and the Nicolaitans. The event at Baal Peor was when Israel corrupted themselves by committing sexual immorality with the Midianite women and spiritual fornication worshiping the Midianite gods, which incurred the wrath of YHWH who allowed a plague to kill 24,000 Israelites. A word study of ” Nicolaitans” reveals the meaning is to “utterly vanquish the people”. We see this today in the Church of God assemblies which adhere to rigid, authoritarian, top down hierarchies which force the people to obey the instructions of a man made organization. This is not how the assemblies of YHWH should be run. We are supposed to look to Him for guidance and direction. The elders, pastors, preachers, evangelists and deacons are supposed to nurture, encourage and support the flock, not... read more

STRM Newsletter (1 Nov 14) – Smyrna

Shalom Brethren, This weeks message continues in our 7 part study series on the “Seven Assemblies of Asia Minor”, this week the second assembly “Smyrna”. This assembly is one of the two which receive no criticism from Y’HoWShUA. They are a persecuted group who are told they will suffer tribulation for 10 days, possibly indicating 10 physical years of persecution and tribulation. We are not told of any great work that this group of Saints actually achieved. All they are required to do is patiently endure tribulation and they are promised the “Crown of Life”. This is a lesson for us today. As we see and hear of growing persecution of Christians around the world becoming common place, with mass beheadings and murders by Islamic groups in the Middle East and Africa, we need to prepare ourselves for this level of persecution here at home. In Revelation 6 we read that the souls of those who were executed for their witness to YHWH are preserved under the altar and in chapter 7 that a great multitude which no man could number come out of the tribulation. In chapter 20, we find he most direct correlation to the current explosion of Islamic barbarism “Then I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for their witness to Y’HoWShUA  and for the word of The Might One, who had not worshiped the beast or his image, and had not received his mark on their foreheads or on their hands”. But, as always YHWH gives hope to His people as this verse concludes, “And they lived and reigned with Messiah for... read more


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