
Spirit And Truth Revival Ministry Newsletter 25 September 2014 – Feast of Trumpets and the Days of Awe

  Brethren, I hope that you have enjoyed a wonderful celebration of the Feast of Trumpets. We studied the meaning of this Feast Day, the prophetic significance of the blowing of Trumpets and Shofars  and the 10 Days of Awe. The trumpet / shofar sounding can be used to instruct the children of Israel to break camp, to announce the arrival of the Sovereign, to celebrate the new moon and feast Days, to call out to YHWH and for His reply. We also looked at the Jewish tradition of the 10 Days of Awe, the period between Trumpets and Atonement, which is a time of reflection, reconciliation and repentance. You can watch the full message here – With all the terrible things going on in the world, the rise of ISIS and their blood lust for beheading their enemies, the continued Ebola outbreak in Africa, the growing US national debt and risk this poses to the dollar and the increasing social tensions within the country, we felt it was a good time for us to commit to a period of introspection. We also felt it is significant that the 10 Days of Awe give us occasion to meditate and reflect on each of the 10 Commandments as we prepare to the most sacred of the Feast Days – Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. So in preparation for becoming At-One with YHWH we have committed to meditate and reflect on each of the Ten Commandments in turn to help us prepare our sin list and repent in preparation for the sacred Fast of the Day of Atonement. I... read more

Spirit and Truth Revival Ministry Newsletter (21 September 2014)

    Shalom Brethren, Yesterday’s message, we recorded during Sabbath services “The Sword of the Spirit” was the final message in our teaching series on the “Whole Armor of The Mighty One”. We looked at the significance of the sword and spirit. The Scriptures, the word of The Mighty One, are our only offensive weapon in the spiritual battle that we face. As YHWH’s people we need to practice to understand how to use this weapon wisely and we need to study the Scriptures daily, so that we can use His weapon correctly. We need to understand when it’s appropriate to use the weapon and also when it’s appropriate to walk away, to avoid foolish genealogies and disputes. During this message as we brought together the whole teaching series on the “Whole Armor of The Mighty One”. We studied how we ought to practice daily putting on this whole Armor. We also understood that there were several side issues that were important to note. The first from the book of Acts. We read that Paul had shaved his head and then he was earnestly seeking to return to Jerusalem to observe the Feast. These give strong indications the Paul was still practicing as an orthodox Jew. He was a Pharisee of the Pharisees and he was fully immersed in the Jewish understanding. Having his head shaved indicates that he had just completed the Nazarite vow. The desire to return to Jerusalem for the feast is an Old Testament requirement. When we think of Paul as the theologian of the New Testament, it’s very clear that his theology was soundly... read more

STRM Newsletter (14 September 2014)

  Brethren, may I wish you a belated Shabbat Shalom! This is the first post I have made in many, many months and I must apologize to you. I have been remiss in my ministry and allowed the cares of the world to distract me from my purpose. My commitment going forward is to diligently post every Sunday morning on the message we received at Sabbath Services to help share the truth of the Word of Y’HoWaH! Each message will provide the link to where you can watch the Sabbath Service on the Internet. Also, in this newsletter I will add some commentary on any key points that were highlighted during the service . Please do watch the message and also feel free to send me any questions that you may have. I will answer them as best as I am able. Eventually I will set up a comments section on the Spirit and Truth Revival web site, but until I have that site rebuilt please email me your questions to May I ask you to support this ministry in one simple way? If you feel that what I am posting here is a faithful expression of the Word of The Mighty One, please may I ask you to commit to forwarding this message on to just one person who you think would appreciate it because the Gospel MUST be preached to all the world before Messiah can return. Yesterday’s Sabbath message was entitled “The Helmet of Salvation”. This was the 5th message in the teaching series “The Whole Armor of The Mighty One”. The other messages in this... read more


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