Ramadan Attacks?

There was a recent article on Debka which revealed that President Ahmadinejad of Iran was planning to visit Beirut in late July or early August. To protect him, and Hizballah leader Hassan Nazrallah, from assassination attempts he would be travelling with Syrian President Bashar Assad and Shiekh Hamad Bin Khalif Thani, the ruler of Qatar when the met Lebanese President Michel Suleiman. Subsequently there was an assassination attempt against Ahmadinejad which has been widely reported, and widely denied by Iran.  This will, coupled to the growing effectiveness of the petroleum embargo against Iran, will only add to his paranoia.

Israel has made it clear that an attack on Iran’s nuclear capability is inevitable if sanctions are ineffective. Iran continues to promote conflict against Israel by its puppet armies in Lebanon and Syria in an attempt to distract international attention away from its nuclear weapons production.

Ramadan starts at the sighting of the new crescent moon, which this year will happen on 11 Aug. Ramadan lasts for one lunar month and anyone martyred in jihad during Ramadan (especially the latter part) is supposed to receive double honour in paradise.  Interestingly, Ramadan will end on the Biblical Holy Day of the Feast of Trumpets (Thur 9 Sep).  The Feast of Trumpets is a time when we are reminded of the call to war and announcing the arrival of the King.

Will Iran unleash a proxy war against Israel on the Biblical Holy day of the Feast of Trumpets (as happened during the Yom Kippur war) which will start the Middle East war which will result in the Third World War, predicted in the End Time Countdown of Armageddon 2015? 

Brother David

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