STRM Newsletter 10 January – The First Commandment

This weeks message, The First Commandment – Serve no other godsstarts our study series on the Ten Commandments. The first part of the message provides an overview of the structure of the Commandments. The first four define our relationship with YHWH. The fifth is a transitional Commandment leading in to the next four which define the relationship we are to have with other human beings. The tenth Commandment is again a transitional statement. This time it changes the focus from how we act to how we think and lays the introduction for the ministry of Y’HoWShUA which was to “fulfil the Law”.

The First Commandment “I am YHWH thy Mighty One, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. Thou shalt have no other gods before me” (KJV) identifies the Mighty One of Israel. It is a covenantal relationship between YHWH and His chosen people. This means there is a two way obligation and positive and negative consequences of the contract.

YHWH will be our Mighty One and do us good by protecting us and bringing us into a land flowing with milk and honey if we serve Him alone. However, if we go after other gods He will search us out for harm and punishment, up to the complete destruction of our nation, as He did with Israel and Judah in the past.

As His chosen people, the Children of YHWH are in an extremely exclusive community with only a few tens of thousands, from all the population of the earth who have ever lived, having successfully completed the application process. Although it is an exclusive community, it is also inclusive. Anyone who chooses to do His Will and obey His Commandments may enter in. The stranger who joins Israel is considered to be a full member of the community. This guides our ministry to reach out to bring many to righteousness so that none of those whom YHWH has called from before the foundation of the world may find themselves shut out of the wedding feast of the Lamb and His bride.

If you have any questions about this message or would like to propose a topic for a future message please contact us.

Next week’s message will cover the Second Commandment “You shall make no graven image”.

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