STRM Newsletter 28 February 2015 – The Eighth Commandment “You shall not steal”

The Eighth Commandment “You shall not steal” gives us clear instruction about how we are to behave in relation to other people’s property. This Commandment is further expanded in Exodus chapter 22 to include the doctrine of restitution. This idea that the one who causes loss must make good that which was damaged or stolen is a key principle in out modern legal code.

The prophet Malachi challenges us “Will a man rob The Mighty One?” There has been so much abuse of the principle of tithing by the corporate churches and televangelists of all denominations that we are understandably concerned about doing what is right before YHWH but at the same time not being scammed by slick preachers who merchandize the flock of YHWH. Y’HoWShUA clearly demonstrated His attitude to this when drove out the money changers from the temple.

He also stated “Render to Caesar that which is Caesar’s and to The Mighty One, that which belongs to Him”. Obviously all of creation, including our lives and very spirits belongs to YHWH. So have we become so focused on the physical issue of tithing that we have missed out on the spiritual principle? Our Savior admonished us, “You tithe in mint, cumin and anise but neglect the weightier matters of the Law, judgment, mercy and faith”.

We must also stand apart from the dangerous attitudes we hear in our society based around the concept of situational ethics. The idea that a little white lie, or no harm no foul, are acceptable behaviors is not appropriate for us, the saints. There is one absolute standard, the example of Y’HoWShUA. He told us “I am the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father except through Me”. So brethren, do not steal from your own integrity. Hold fast to that which is good and follow the example our Messiah gave us.

Please watch the full message because we need to remind ourselves that we owe everything to YHWH and we must ensure that we do not fall into legalism and miss out on the true spiritual meaning of this Commandment.

If you have any questions about this message or would like to suggest other subjects for future messages, please feel free to contact me.

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