May I wish everyone a happy 4th of July and ask you to pray that America turns back from the path of destruction which has been chosen for it by our corrupt leaders. Only heartfelt national repentance can save this country from the wrath of YHWH which will soon be poured out on this nation.
In this week’s message “America MUST Die!” we review both secular and scriptural evidence which points to the inevitable fate of America. Historians and academics such as Edward Gibbon, Joseph Tainter and Lt Col Bagshot Gubb reveal the cyclical nature of human history and the trajectory of the rise and fall of human empires. From this research we find that empires typically last 240-250 years, America is 239 years old and would reach 250 years in 2026.
William Straus and Neil Howe in their book “The Fourth Turning – An American Prophecy” identify a recurring 80-100 year cycle which culminates in a national crisis. The country emerges from the crisis completely changed, either stronger and more vibrant, or in a state of collapse. They identified America’s previous 4th turnings as the War of Independence, The Civil War and World War Two. The interval between these events was 81 years. Based on this analysis the next crisis will occur by 2025.
Empires tend to fail in one of two ways. Complete collapse as we saw in the Mayan empire or a fall to mediocrity, loss of global prestige and a retrenchment to the homeland, as we have seen in the Greek, Roman, Spanish and British empires.
How will America fail?
There are numerous pertinent scriptures relating to this subject. 1st Thessalonians tells us that sudden destruction comes upon them. Isaiah in the bricks and sycamore passage writes that head and tail shall be cut off in one day. Amos indicates that 90% of the population of the House of Israel will die. While Jeremiah tells us of the time of Jacob’s trouble (the House of Israel and the House of Judah) in which the remnant of the people go into physical slavery.
In Matthew 24 we are told that no man knows the day or hour of His return but we are also instructed to be watching for the signs and seasons. Understanding Bible prophecy can be a confusing task and there are many false teachings which confuse and deceive people. Proverbs tells us that there is safety in a multitude of counsel. So I am creating a Prophecy Discussion Forum to provide a safe place for us to study the scriptures and come to a better, more complete understanding of the sequence of end time events.
Please visit and join the forum because I would appreciate your counsel and support in this project. I will also send you the first 6 chapters of the book “America Must Die” when you join the forum. Please also invite others you think would be interested in join with us on this journey to come to a complete understanding of end time prophecy. The website is still under development but will be operational no later than next Sabbath. Please watch this message “America MUST Die!” to get a grounding in the research we have completed so far.