
STRM Newsletter 9 May 2015 – Love

Do you remember the classic Beatles song “All you need is love” lah, lah la la lah? This was written in 1967 by Lennon and McCartney as a commission for the BBC to be the British contribution to the world’s first global television link up. One of the last instructions Y’HoWShUA gave us before He ascended into heaven was “Love one another, by this all men will know that you are my disciples”. The Bible talks in depth about love, specially in the New Testament writings of the Apostle John. However, the word we read as love in the English language is translated from four different Greek words – eros, storge, philio and agape. Knowing the meaning of the Greek words and applying them to the English translation opens up a deeper understanding of what YHWH means when He talks of love. Eros is sexual love, this word is not recorded in the New Testament Greek manuscripts. Storge refers to the natural love we have for members of our immediate family. Philio refers to brotherly love, or the mutual affection and respect we have for people who share similar beliefs and behaviors. In our modern society this would include members of a sports team, workmates, a fan club or political party. In the New Testament example it refers to the relationship between the brethren in the body of Messiah. Agape is the highest form of love. This can be better understood as benevolence – the concept of giving without any expectation of reward or return. This is the love YHWH had for His creation when Y’HoWShUA accepted the role... read more

STRM Newsletter 8 March 2015 – The Ninth Commandment “You shall not bear false witness”

  When we studies the 8th Commandment we learned that when we lie, we steal from our own integrity. As we explore the Ninth Commandment “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor” we identified how seriously YHWH regards the sin of lying. From the instruction in the book of Deuteronomy that a perjurer should receive the same punishment as they were trying to invoke on an innocent person, to the example in the book of Acts where YHWH executed Annanias and Sapphira for lying to the Set Apart Spirit. YHWH regards lying just as much as sin deserving of death as any of the other Commandments. This study revealed two profound scriptural statements. Firstly that YHWH cannot lie, not that He does not lie, but that He CANNOT lie. When we consider this point in depth is gives some indication as to why YHWH took the risk of begetting His only Son who became the Word, the executive command, of the creative process. We also identified that the “Scriptures cannot be broken” and that if we add to His Scriptures YHWH considers us liars. This statement should strike fear into the hearts of all the mainstream ministers and evangelists who perpetuate the false doctrines of Sunday worship, Easter, Christmas, the Law was nailed to the cross, once saved always saved, hell and purgatory, life after death, the rapture and the trinity, to name but a few! The concept of personal conviction is often cited as an excuse for breaking Torah. We must exercise extreme caution when we claim this exemption. We must diligently test our own heart against... read more

STRM Newsletter 2 May 2015 – The Trinity and Other gods

This week’s message is titled “The Trinity and Other gods”. The trinity doctrine is the one common theme which unites the majority of Christian faiths. However, like the “Rapture” the word is not found in the Bible. When we explore this doctrine more deeply the Bible gives no explicit statement supporting the “Trinity” doctrine. In fact, Christian theologians admit this fact and state “it [the Bible] “bears witness to” the activity of a God who can only be understood in Trinitarian terms”. There is clear evidence for the family of YHWH consisting of YHWH the Father and Y’HoWShUA His only begotten Son. There is also explicit evidence that the Set Apart Spirit is the power which is sent out from YHWH under the executive authority of Y’HoWShUA. But, there is no evidence that the Set Apart Spirit has its own independent personality. In fact, when you check the letters of the New Testament, every one invokes the grace of the Father and the Son, but not one includes the Set Apart Spirit in that benediction. Surely, if the Spirit was a separate deity, it would be blasphemous to ignore Him in every letter of the New Testament? When we explore the archaeological record we find evidence of a triune deity in virtually all ancient civilization starting with the Babylonian trinity of Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz down the ages through Mesopotamia, Canaan and Egypt to Greece (Zeus, Athena and Apollo) through ancient Rome to the current Catholic Trinity of God the Father, Mary Queen of heaven and Jesus Christ the Son. Even the Hindus and Buddhists have their own version... read more

STRM Newsletter 28 February 2015 – The Eighth Commandment “You shall not steal”

The Eighth Commandment “You shall not steal” gives us clear instruction about how we are to behave in relation to other people’s property. This Commandment is further expanded in Exodus chapter 22 to include the doctrine of restitution. This idea that the one who causes loss must make good that which was damaged or stolen is a key principle in out modern legal code. The prophet Malachi challenges us “Will a man rob The Mighty One?” There has been so much abuse of the principle of tithing by the corporate churches and televangelists of all denominations that we are understandably concerned about doing what is right before YHWH but at the same time not being scammed by slick preachers who merchandize the flock of YHWH. Y’HoWShUA clearly demonstrated His attitude to this when drove out the money changers from the temple. He also stated “Render to Caesar that which is Caesar’s and to The Mighty One, that which belongs to Him”. Obviously all of creation, including our lives and very spirits belongs to YHWH. So have we become so focused on the physical issue of tithing that we have missed out on the spiritual principle? Our Savior admonished us, “You tithe in mint, cumin and anise but neglect the weightier matters of the Law, judgment, mercy and faith”. We must also stand apart from the dangerous attitudes we hear in our society based around the concept of situational ethics. The idea that a little white lie, or no harm no foul, are acceptable behaviors is not appropriate for us, the saints. There is one absolute standard, the example of... read more


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