STRM Newsletter 16 May 2015 – Life

In last weeks message we discussed the verse, John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life“. We identified that the love YHWH has for us “agape” love, is given unconditionally without any expectation of return.

It is interesting that this perfect love gave us everlasting life. Y’HoWShUA further expanded this blessing when He said, “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly“. (John 10:10).

Y’HoWShUA came that we may have life , and have it more abundantly.

Many people are concerned with the concept that as the children of YHWH we have the opportunity to amass abundant wealth. They will point to the scriptures – “money is the root of all evil“, and, “you cannot serve God and mammon” – and draw the conclusion that if we are to be set apart we therefore cannot have money, or the possessions which it brings.

This position is a mis-rendering of scripture. The full verse reads “For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows“. (1 Tim 6:10) Money itself is not the problem. It is when we place the acquisition of money ahead of our relationship with YHWH, then it becomes idolatry which is a problem.

Similarly, those who choose to express their faith through deliberately choosing a life of poverty run the risk of idolatry when their behavior becomes an expression of self righteousness.

The other scripture people use to say we shouldn’t have wealth is “it is more blessed to give than to receive” Ac 20:35. But this argument is illogical. How can you be in a position to give, if you have not first received? Surely, if it is a greater blessing to be able to give, shouldn’t we strive to obtain the resources we need to be able to give freely and generously. Remember, YHWH loves a cheerful giver!

The second part of this message compares the focus on “Life” which YHWH declares for His people and the perverted “death cults” which have permeated human society from the beginning. Whether it be sacrificing children to Molech in the Canaanite times, the human sacrifice of the Aztecs, the obsession with suicide expressed in Bushido (the belief of the Samurai), the Nazi death cult or its latest incarnation, radical Islam.

YHWH is the Mighty One of Life, Satan is the god of death.

Interestingly, the religion of Molech not only required child sacrifice, it also ritualized pedophilia, which we have seen perpetuated by the priesthood of the sun worshipers, Roman Catholics.

Satan hates all of humanity and his desire is to destroy us all to prevent anyone from receiving the blessing of eternal life, as a co-inheritor of the universe alongside Y’HoWShUA, which YHWH is offering. He is following his perverted plan by targeting the weakest and most vulnerable members of our society, our children.

Please watch the whole message “Life” and if you have any questions about this message or would like to suggest other subjects for future messages, please feel free to contact me because I am always pleased to explore new study areas for these messages.

Also, I have completed the first of our new teaching series – “The Ten Commandments” which you can now review.

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