STRM Newsletter (6 Dec 14) – Philadelphia

Brethren Shalom!

This weeks message discussed the assembly at Philadelphia,the sixth of the seven assemblies of Asia minor. Last week, in the letter to Sardis, we saw the standard form of the letter – identification, works, criticism and offer was broken because they had no works to commend them.

In this letter to Philadelphia the standard form is also broken as there is no criticism of this assembly. Smyrna and Philadelphia are the only two of the seven assemblies which are not criticized. Smyrna, the persecuted assembly only had to hold fast to their faith and Philadelphia, the faithful assembly, was required to do a small work.

We need to understand that size of the building, the extent of the mailing list, the amount of broadcast air time and the ranking of the website are irrelevant to YHWH. He is judging us by the quality of the hearts He finds in our assemblies.

The speaker to the assembly at Philadelphia was identified as having the Key of David. There is not much in the scriptures about this other than the obvious connection to rulership over Jerusalem. But at a deeper level the key that allowed David to come before the Ark of the Covenant, which it was not lawful for him to do as he was not a Levitical Priest, was through his praise and worship of YHWH. David was a man after YHWH’s own heart and his desire was to be as close as possible as he could to YHWH. That same blessing was offered to the assembly at Philadelphia. Those that overcome, by holding fast to YHWH and not denying His name, are rewarded by becoming pillars in the Temple of YHWH.

There is also a challenging scripture in this letter. In Revelation 10, when John prostrates himself before the angel giving him the message, the angel rebukes him. But Y’HoWShUA says that He will make those of the synagogue of Satan worship at our feet. Is He blaspheming by promoting idolatry? Or placing false gods before YHWH the One True Mighty One? When we truly understand the meaning of this statement and the importance it has to those of us who are being called now, the amazing blessing which is revealed through this obscure scriptural statement should raise joy and wonder in the hearts of everyone who’s desire is for YHWH.

You can listen to the full message here and learn the astounding blessing that is being revealed to us in this scripture. Brethren hold fast to what you have and let no one steal away the crown of righteousness which has been reserved just for you.

In the final message in this study series we will look at the assembly at Laodaicia and learn the warning given to the assembly in the latter days.

Shalom! And may YHWH bless you and keep you,

Your brother and servant of YHWH, the One true Mighty One,


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